12 research outputs found

    An Introduction to Computer Networks

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    An open textbook for undergraduate and graduate courses on computer networks

    An Introduction to Computer Networks

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    An Introduction to Computer Networks, a free and open general-purpose computer-networking textbook, complete with diagrams and exercises. It covers the LAN, internetworking and transport layers, focusing primarily on TCP/IP. Particular attention is paid to congestion; other special topics include queuing, real-time traffic, network management, security and the ns simulator. The book is suitable as the primary text for an undergraduate or introductory graduate course in computer networking, as a supplemental text for a wide variety of network-related courses, and as a reference work.https://ecommons.luc.edu/facultybooks/1133/thumbnail.jp

    An Introduction to Computer Networks, 2nd Edition

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    Welcome to the website for An Introduction to Computer Networks, a free and open general-purpose computer-networking textbook, complete with diagrams and exercises. It covers the LAN, internetworking and transport layers, focusing primarily on TCP/IP. Particular attention is paid to congestion; other special topics include queuing, real-time traffic, network management, security, mininet and the ns simulator. The book is suitable as the primary text for an undergraduate or introductory graduate course in computer networking, as a supplemental text for a wide variety of network-related courses, and as a reference work.https://ecommons.luc.edu/facultybooks/1186/thumbnail.jp

    An Introduction to Computer Networks

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    Welcome to the website for An Introduction to Computer Networks, a free and open general-purpose computer-networking textbook, complete with diagrams and exercises. It covers the LAN, internetworking and transport layers, focusing primarily on TCP/IP. Particular attention is paid to congestion; other special topics include queuing, real-time traffic, network management, security and the ns simulator. The book is suitable as the primary text for an undergraduate or introductory graduate course in computer networking, as a supplemental text for a wide variety of network-related courses, and as a reference work.https://ecommons.luc.edu/facultybooks/1156/thumbnail.jp

    Executive Summary of ARIA 2019: Integrated care pathways for allergic rhinitis in Argentina, Spain and Mexico

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    El impacto sanitario y económico de las enfermedades alérgicas está aumentando rápidamente y se necesitan cambios en las estrategias para su manejo. Su influencia reduce al menos en un tercio la capacidad de desempeño laboral y escolar. Los ICP (Vías Integradas de Atención) de las enfermedades de las vías respiratorias son planes de atención estructurados y multidisciplinarios, que promueven las recomendaciones de las guías en protocolos locales y su aplicación a la práctica clínica. En este documento se presenta un resumen ejecutivo para Argentina, México y España. Se desarrollan las guías ARIA de próxima generación para el tratamiento farmacológico de la rinitis alérgica (RA) utilizando las pautas basadas en GRADE para RA, probadas con evidencia de la vida real proporcionada por tecnología móvil basada en escalas visuales analógicas. Se concluye que en el tratamiento de la RA, los antihistamínicos anti-H1 son menos efectivos que los corticoides intranasales (CINS), que en la rinitis grave los CINS representan la primera línea de tratamiento, y que la combinación intranasal de CINS + anti-H1 es más eficaz que la monoterapia. Sin embargo, según el estudio MASK observacional en vida real, los pacientes tienen pobre adherencia al tratamiento y frecuentemente se automedican de acuerdo con sus necesidades.The health and economic impact of allergic diseases are increasing rapidly, and changes in management strategies are required. Its influence reduces the capacity of work and school performance by at least a third. The ICPs of the airways (integrated care pathways for respiratory diseases) are structured multidisciplinary healthcare plans, promoting the recommendations of the guidelines in local protocols and their application to clinical practice. This document presents an executive summary for Argentina, Mexico, and Spain. Next-generation ARIA guidelines are being developed for the pharmacological treatment of allergic rhinitis (AR), using the GRADE-based guidelines for AR, tested with real-life evidence provided by mobile technology with visual analogue scales. It is concluded that in the AR treatment, H1-antihistamines are less effective than intranasal corticosteroids (INCS), in severe AR the INCS represent the first line of treatment, and intranasal combination INCS + anti-H1 is more effective than monotherapy. However, according to the MASK real-life observational study, patients have poor adherence to treatment and often self-medicate, according to their needs